What is Sparkle Neely Sparkle?

A newsletter, written by New York-based writer Rachel Syme, about Jacqueline Susann’s 1966 novel The Valley of the Dolls. It is an accompaniment to a month-long VOTD book club that is happening in NYC in 2019 (details about the meet-up will come via this newsletter and the Google Form signup sheet).

Join the actual book club

If you live in NYC, you can sign up HERE to be notified of the meet-up at the end of May.

Subscribe to Sparkle Neely Sparkle

A month-long pop-up newsletter about Jacqueline Susann's 1966 trash masterpiece Valley of the Dolls, as an accompaniment to the NYC-based book club happening in May 2019. New York-based writer Rachel Syme is your cruise ship entertainment director.